 

I waited for my death, but I didn't receive it as a pair of arms caught me and the Female titan grunted in pain. I was placed back to the ground as  Armin ran up to me, asking if I was okay. I looked up to see Reiner attacking the Female titan until it was too exhausted. Reiner went down and grabbed my waist before we all saddled up on our horses━well, their horses, my horse must've ran away with the sudden ambush of the titan. I rode on Reiner's horse as I held on his uniform tightly. 

The titan started its running as we all kept our pace behind it, trying not to draw attention, "I came as fast as I could," Reiner said, "Nice ass for an abnormal, not gonna lie,"

"No, it's not an abnormal, it's a person controlling a titan, like Eren," I spoke from behind

"Wait, what?!" He gasped as Armin tried to fire a signal to the others

"C'mon, work, you piece of garbag━" We heard a gunshot from behind, "Looks like Jean's got you covered," I commented as he catch up with us

"Mia, what happened to your horse?!" Jean asked as I sighed in distress, "It ran away after a titan ambush,"

We heard multiple gunshots from afar and as we glance over, the sky was painted with yellow smoke signals, "That's not good, the right wing spotters have suffered too many casualties to carry on," Reiner commented

"Apparently, most of them were wiped out by a titan ambush," Jean said, "Sons of bitches were lightning fast, the spotters didn't have time to react," He added

Armin's eyes widened at the information, "I feel like she was the one who brought them.." I spoke up as they all turned to me

"Wait, like some sort of commander?" I nodded at Armin's statement as we all looked at the abnormal titan in front of us

"I don't know if this is possible but she's a human taken in titan form━someone who has a same power like Eren," He said as Jean sweatdropped

"Please tell me you're joking..." He muttered as Armin shook his head

"She's different, when the others tried to attack her nape, she swatted them like flies. She didn't eat them, she killed them and moved on," He answered

I glared holes on the Female titan's back, "And I feel like she has some sort of target," I mentioned what happened before, "She killed one scout━but she didn't eat him and when I was to attack her, she was able to grab me and was about to eat me.." I explain

"What?! So, it was an abnormal!" Jean argues as a vein popped from his stubborness

"Again, she's like Eren! I feel like the reason why she was about to devour me was not because to satisfy herself but just to keep me in her mouth," I exclaimed, "She has targets... And I believe I'm one of them. If I wasn't one of the targets, she would have slammed me to the ground or maybe just chomp me into pieces and spit me out," I explained

"Could it be Eren?" Armin thought 

Reiner told Armin that Eren was with Levi squad spearheading to the right wing, but Jean argued that he has a different version of the plan and Armin soon joined in that me and him have a different copy as well. I blocked out their talk as I was deep in thought.

"If what they're saying is true, then we can easily know who the Female titan is.. I wanna tell them who she is, but it'll blow the whole expedition and I feel like there's gonna be a big fight coming.."  I thought as Armin's voice rang

"Pull your hood up, if she's looking for someone spefic, she won't kill us━unless she knows that we're not them!" He ordered as we all pulled up our hoods

I was about to prepare for battle, but Reiner gave me the reins of his horse, "If you think you're one of her targets, you better take this," He ordered but I was hesitant, "Look, we need as much witnesses as possible, you're very valuable, Mia.." He added

I took the ropes as Armin nodded at Reiner's proposal, "It's true, you need to run away as fast as possible and warn the others," I nodded in agreement as they prepare for an attack

As they scattered beside her, Jean fired his rope on her leg, but she was quick enough to pull her instinct as she swung her fist towards him. Yet, it didn't hit him as she slapped the horse that Armin was riding as his body slammed to the ground.

"No, Armin!" I yelled as Reiner took off and I took over the horse

I snapped the reins harder as the horse went faster, while they try to attack her. As Armin was unconscious, Jean made his way for his attack but the Female titan was too fast. I was about to abandoned my task, just as the same time, Armin started yelling.

"Jean, don't let that suicidal maniac to die in vain!" The female titan froze, "She did it! She's the one who killed him. I told him the right wing was suicide but he went along anyways, and now he's dead!" He continues

"What the hell is he trying to do?!"  I panic

Meanwhile, Reiner flew up to her nape immediately. I gasped as the female titan grabbed him with no hesitation as she placed her thumb on his head, before she crushed Reiner. My blood went cold as my grip on the reins tightens, "Oh god, Reiner!" I cried

There was a few moment of silence until the titan's hand blew up and Reiner appeared bloody but fine. Her hand erupted with steam as Reiner went down and pick up Armin as they all started running. I went over to Reiner and told him to place Armin on the horse as we all retreat. 

"I say we follow suit and get out of here!" Reiner stated

We look back and we notice that the Female titan was changing her course, "All right! Looks like she's in retreat," Reiner cheered, yet I was unsure of where she was going

"She's heading for the central rank... No, she's heading towards Eren," I thought

We were stranded in the middle of nowhere with only one horse behind, Armin injured and we are still in close to titan territory. I sighed in distress as I stood up and tried to occupy myself rather than listening to Reiner and Armin's conversation. I fumbled around my uniform for maybe some smoke signal, however, I was unsuccessful. I went over to the horse and search around as I found a purple smoke signal━an emergency smoke signal.

"Armin! I found a emergency smoke signal!" I announced as their eyes widened, "I know that row 4 squad 3 is around this area, we can fire this and we'll probably be rescued," I said as I fired the smoke signal

"I doubt anyone's gonna see it and think, 'hey someone must need an extra horse,'" Jean jokingly said

Armin declared that he's gonna be left out in the open as he requested to hand a message to the commander as I gasped, "Now hold on━!" "Hang on, Armin, looks like you'll be able to tell him yourself!" He gladden 

I squinted my eyes as I saw a pair of worried blue eyes and blonde hair. My eyes widened, "Hey, it's Christa!" I notify

"Hey guys, are you all right!?" She called out 

As she got to us, she gave us my two run-away horses and an extra horse from her, "I'm happy that you were able to see our signal, Christa," I smiled softly at her

Tears made up to her eyes, "I'm just glad that you're all okay!" Her smile complimented the rising sunlight

The three men looked at her with awe and a blush on their cheeks as I looked at them weirdly before thinking, "Fucking simps..."

As we rode down the trail, we were able to reach the forest of giant trees. We were ordered to stop there at the entrance and guard the area━titans who are capable of trying to enter must be killed. Jean attempted to ask what is the main reason we are here but the scout in charge cuts him off and left. I sighed in distress as we stand around the area. After some time, we were able to meet up with our other comrades like Mikasa and Connie. 

Minutes turns into hours upon hours as I looked down at the titans━who is attempting to climb the tree. Furrowing my eyebrows in confusion, "I wonder if titans used to have human brains.." I thought

Suddenly, a loud screech came from inside of the forest as we all whipped our heads towards the sound. 

Thumping started to form from underneath as my eyes widened, "What the hell?! The titans are running the forest!" I yelled

We couldn't do anything━we were like sitting ducks in the situation. We watched as the screeching from inside continues. "Wait, could this be... the female titan?" I thought to myself

After with the titan ambush inside the forest, it became more quiet again. For a few hours, they ordered us to go back to the ground and prepare the horses and wagon. Confused, as we were arrange everything, Captain Levi━who is carrying a body with Mikasa. I ran over to them as they placed the body on a cart.

"Mikasa!" I called out

She looked at me before frowning, "Hey, what's wrong? Where's Eren?" I interrogated

Her black orbs widened as she pointed to the wagon where Captain Levi placed a body. I went over there and peeked over━only to find Eren's body covered with some kind of saliva. I gasped as I tried to jump in the wagon, however, Mikasa stopped me. 

"Captain Levi said leave him be and let him rest," She said

I sulked as we both left the wagon and assemble the horses and wagons before going back home. 
